Wednesday, April 23, 2014

BR 1-01: Alice in the Wonderland (Carroll, 1865)


I have watched movie of it. But I enjoyed reading this book.   

Alice said "Oh,I've had such a dream," in the end of this story. I wondered very much. I don't know which is true that she watched dream or experienced actually. 

When she drunk a drink which in a bottle, she became very small. And when she ate a cake, she became very big. There are many traps and incredible characters in there. She undergo strange experiences.

She is full of curiosity, so she could have many wonderful experiences.


Carroll. (1865). Alice in the Wonderland. London, England: Usborne Young Reading. 


1 comment:

  1. Hi Yuria,

    I hope you will add and correct details in your reference. You need a given name for the author, and I don't think Usborne was around in 1865.

    Cheers, PB
